Welcome to this weeks Virtual Service, brought to you by Rev David Burt.
6th September 2020
🎶 Amazing Grace
📖 Exodus Chapter 12 Vs 1 – 14
📖 Matthew Chapter 18 Verse 15 – 20
📺 Subscribe to our YouTube channel: OG&A Parish Church
Let us pray
Loving God, we come before you
to sing a new song,
to live a new life,
to walk a different way,
all of which is given in your grace
for us and for all your beloved children.
So, we sing with joy, hope, and faith,
in the knowledge of your care,
and the assurance of your love.
We, your faithful children,
delight this day, in proclaiming your name,
and ask for the strength to continue
to bear witness to your holy word,
to constantly reform and rebuild your church,
and to never waver from welcoming all,
stranger and friend:
seeing your son Jesus Christ,
in the face of all whom we meet.
We congregate,
with love, hope, and thankfulness,
a people gathered and a people dispersed
wherever we are, we are a community
unified in your grace and care,
praying for the skills and the abilities to
approach difference with grace,
to learn and to grow,
and to never close ourselves off
from the pain of the world.
We come, not only to confess the wrong we have done,
but to rejoice in the gifts you have given us,
to do good in and for the world,
we ask now, as people gathered in your name,
for the boldness to see diversity as a gift,
and difference as a blessing,
and through this, that we may have the ability
to build your church which is truly for all.
Ever-living God,
Creator and Sustainer of all that we perceive,
guide us always towards
peace, hope, and the promise of a
new way of life in your church,
a community united in love of you and each other.
As we move through the seasons of the year,
as we wait for the landscape to change,
we are shown the beauty of our world.
We give thanks, and we pray
for the wisdom to listen to experts,
to see the impact we have on your
awesome creation, that we might
unify and makes changes now,
for the generations to come.
As our world continues to grapple with the
unimaginable loss and pain experienced
by hundreds of thousands of families,
we pray, individually and as a church
for compassion and the ability
to comfort, support,
and to have patience and empathy in the
grief of others no matter how it
is manifest or how long it lasts.
As our church seeks its own way forward
in a changed and changing world,
we pray for strength
to build on what is good,
to prune what is dead,
and to find new ways to
unite in our mission to
spread your love to the world around us.
As a Church family we pray for the Guild,
At the start of Guild Week we remember and give thanks
For all the projects that the Guild involves itself with
Seeking a fairer, more just world
And proclaiming the love of Christ to all
As inequality, fear, and hate
continue to plague our society,
we pray for the boldness
to stand up to the evils of this world,
to live the new life promised and
to turn from inaction to action,
and to work for justice for all
as one body of Christ,
in the full knowledge and confidence
that you are with us now and forever.
Hear us now as a family we pray:
Our Father in heaven, hallowed be your name,
your kingdom come, your will be done, on earth as in heaven.
Give us today our daily bread.
Forgive us our sins as we forgive those who sin against us.
Save us from the time of trial and deliver us from evil.
For the kingdom, the power and the glory are yours,
now and for ever.
🎶 Will your Anchor Hold