Welcome to this weeks Virtual Service, brought to you by Rev David Burt.
20th September 2020
🎶 Lord of Creation
📖 Exodus Chapter 16 Verses 2 – 15
📖 Matthew Chapter 20 Verses 1 – 16
📺 Subscribe to our YouTube channel: OG&A Parish Church
Let us pray
Holy and loving God,
Ever three and ever one
your grace knows no bounds,
your love for all creation
is equal and eternal.
You say to the sun, moon and stars
I love you;
you say to the oceans,
mountains and valleys
I love you;
you say to the trees and grasses
I love you;
you say to the wild animals and
deep sea beings
I love you
and you say to all humanity
I love you.
Each part of creation is loved by you
no part more or less
all equally loved.
We are sorry for those times
we treat parts of creation
without love.
We are sorry for those times
we treat our neighbours
without love.
Forgive us and give us the desire
to love as you love,
for you love all things
Generous God,
thank you for loving us
and for eternally being willing to forgive us
and let us rebuild a relationship with you.
Lord Jesus, you showed us
by your life how we can let go of hate
and choose to love
and reconcile with our enemies.
As we look at our broken world
we see so many people
who have inherited
centuries of hate and violence
and can see no way out
except through a continuation of
hate and violence.
We thank you for the people
engaging in the hard work
of peace and reconciliation
a work that needs everyone
to sit at the table and be open to each other.
We pray for the people
whose lives have been destroyed
by hate and violence
who continue to live in fear and anxiety
and see no way to peace and safety.
We thank you for the people
using their gifts to enable people
to find safe places to live
and work to feed their families.
We pray for the people
whose lives have been impacted
in so many different ways
by the pandemic of Covid-19;
for the radical changes
that have forced them to adapt and cope
with this new way of living.
We thank you for the people who have led
and advised us through these strange days,
for all who have worked hard to help us
find a way forward and who have put aside
any differences they may have had
and chosen to work together with others
who can bring the changes we need.
Lord, may we be willing to make the changes we need
and to let go of our fears and mistrust of others,
so that together we can all move forward
and find a way of peace and reconciliation
that works for everyone,
whoever and wherever they are.
Hear us now as a family we pray:
Our Father in heaven, hallowed be your name,
your kingdom come, your will be done, on earth as in heaven.
Give us today our daily bread.
Forgive us our sins as we forgive those who sin against us.
Save us from the time of trial and deliver us from evil.
For the kingdom, the power and the glory are yours,
now and for ever.
🎶 Guide me O thou great Jehovah