
10:00am Sunday Worship

This is a wonderful opportunity to come together as one family to worship, praise and glorify God. Young people attend the first part of the service and leave to attend the Young Church and Bible Class after the children’s hymn. A few services each year are identified as Family Worship when the whole family are encouraged to join in an act of all age worship. A crèche is available for the very young in the Iona lounge of the New Halls.

Tea and coffee are served after worship in the Arran Hall. All are welcome to continue in fellowship as we can nurture and build one another up as we continue this pilgrimage of faith together.


Occasional Sunday Evening Worship

The programme of Sunday Evening Services has run for several sessions and has proved to be a success in offering an innovative form of worship offering a variety of themes and forms. Details will be given by means of the weekly service sheet.


Summer Wednesday Morning Worship

A short thirty minute Service is held fortnightly on a Wednesday morning at 11am during the months of May, June, July and August. This is a great way to meet people, to share in God’s love through song, prayer and reflection, and to further our relationships with one another through Tea and Coffee fellowship.