Welcome to this weeks Virtual Service, brought to you by Rev David Burt.
29th March 2020
5th Sunday Of Lent
🎶 I Danced in the Morning – https://youtu.be/sCFQXis4eK
📖 Ezekiel Chapter 37 Verses 1 – 14
📖 John Chapter 11 Verses 1 – 45
Lord of new life,
even in the reality of deepest darkness
you bring the light of hope.
As the people mourned lazarus,
As his family felt the pain of loss,
You, Lord Jesus wept.
And then you changed everything Lord,
For you called into the tomb
“Lazarus, come out”
And from despair came new life.
Living God in the darkness of this time
May your hope shine to dispel our fear.
In our time of isolation
May we feel your glory uplifting us and sustaining us.
Lord bless all who we love but who we are separated from,
Families, friends and neighbours, work colleagues
All who we know, we commend to you o Lord
Bless all who put others before self,
Lord we pray for all in the front line dealing with the reality
Of this pandemic.
The medical staff and all in the NHS,
The Police and fire service,
The supermarket workers and delivery drivers,
Those involved in social care
The teachers trying to do the best for the young people they care about,
Those in political power at local and national levels,
Trying to do their best for all.
Those seen and unseen.
Lord bless them we pray and grant them strength.
We offer our prayers for those in other countries
As they deal with the same issues and difficulties that we do.
Lord Jesus Christ be our hope and strength we pray.
To you O God, Father Son and Holy Spirit
Whose love for your people is unchanging
We offer these and all our prayers.
🎶 There is a redeemer – https://youtu.be/61CJdXmxxLU