12th April 2020

Welcome to this weeks Virtual Service, brought to you by Rev David Burt.

12th April 2020

Easter Sunday


🎶 I serve a risen Saviour (He Live!)

🎶 This is the Day!



📖 John Chapter 20 Verses 1 – 9


📺 Please Subscribe to our YouTube Channel “OG&A Parish Church”



Risen and living Christ, all glory to you on this Easter day.
Lord Jesus Christ as you were laid in a tomb and your enemies assumed your defeat
So three days later you rise to victory and new life.
Alleluia to you the risen King!
Alleluia to you the living Saviour!
Loving God, through the resurrection of your Son you give light to your people.
That is the light of eternal hope.
That is the light of eternal life.
That is the light that the darkness of this world can never extinguish.
Living Christ may your light shine in our hearts
Living Christ may your light illuminate the path of hope.
Lord Jesus Chris we are filled with the joy of Easter
We are overwhelmed with your power of love.
This year, at this time, may the Easter joy help to dispel our fears and doubts.
May the certainty of your love for us, unworthy as we are, give us courage and strength.
Lord through the empty tomb you take away our fears,
for in the resurrection we know that nothing is greater than your love.
May your Easter blessing O God be upon all who battle this pandemic
Not just here but all over the world.
May your peace O Christ be with all who mourn or who are afraid,
In their hearts may they know that they are not alone but that your journey with them.
From all corners may the cry be hear…
Christ is risen, Christ is risen indeed
Alleluia our hearts cry out, thanks be to God


🎶 Thine be the Glory