10th May 2020

Welcome to this weeks Virtual Service, brought to you by Rev David Burt.

10th May 2020


🎶 The Church’s one Foundation



📖 1st Peter Chapter 2 Verses 2 – 10
📖 John Chapter 14 Verses 1 – 14

📺 Please Subscribe to our YouTube Channel “OG&A Parish Church”



Loving God, we, gathered together,
in worship of you, still our hearts in prayer
as we focus our minds towards your promise of love for us.
We pray for ourselves, for this congregation of believers,
each at a different stage of life and faith,
thriving, struggling, wondering, hoping and trusting.

Grant us the grace to meet each person where they are,
not where we think they should be.
We pray for our communities, for our families, friends, children,
parents, neighbours, and enemies, each one your child
and our sibling through the love of Christ.
Together we travel through this time of uncertainty and worry.

Grant us the power to love all others as you love us.
We pray for our church and all your communities of faith.
In the time of this terrible pandemic we pray that the Christian Church
Will respond in love, care and compassion to the suffering of the sick and the dying,
those who are in mourning and all who worry for their loved ones.
We pray for those in the maelstrom of this disease,
All those in health and social care
as well as all our emergency services and armed forces.
Lord not just here but in all the nations around the world
grant us the wisdom to remember the purpose of your church,
not numbers, but salvation in your name.

We pray for our world as the planet continues to bear the wounds
inflicted upon it by our waste, our arrogance,
our inability to see the beauty of your creation.
In our constant misuse of the resources given to us,
grant us the boldness to see the error of our ways,
to act now before it is too late.

To you Lord we offer all our prayers today and share in the words
That Christ taught us to say together.

Our Father in heaven, hallowed be your name,
your kingdom come, your will be done,
on earth as in heaven.
Give us today our daily bread.
Forgive us our sins as we forgive those who sin against us.
Save us from the time of trial and deliver us from evil.
For the kingdom, the power and the glory are yours
now and for ever.



🎶 What a friend we have in Jesus