17th May 2020

Welcome to this weeks Virtual Service, brought to you by Rev David Burt.

17th May 2020


🎶 Christ be our Light



📖 Acts Chapter 17 Verses 22 – 31
📖 John Chapter 14 Verse 15 – 21

📺 Please Subscribe to our YouTube Channel “OG&A Parish Church”



Lord of all creation, source of all life
We ask you to hear our prayers this day and always.

Lord Jesus Christ as we journey through the great adventure of life
May we know that you are our constant companion, in good times and difficult times.

We thank you today for all who you have blessed us with and who share our journey with us.
We give thanks for family and friends, work colleagues and neighbours,
all who we interact with on our journey, from shop assistant to surgeon.
Lord may we value all with love and thanksgiving.

Lord Jesus you taught us to love one another, no ifs, no buts
Just love one another. It sounds so simple

Lord we try to do this but it is not easy.
We are not perfect, we make mistakes,
we are quick to anger at the words and actions of others,
especially those who we love the most,
quick judge and assert our self righteousness.
We allow ourselves to wallow in our hurt.
All the time we fail to see the hurt we can cause,
We fail to understand the feelings of the other.
Lord we are so slow to forgive while expecting others to quickly forgive us.
Holy Spirit help us to heal relationships that are strained or broken through love.

Holy and loving God we pray today in love for all who are lonely,
All who are suffering, those in greatest distress.
We pray for all whose journey is fraught with difficulty and pain.
We remember the dying and the bereaved.
Into their journey bring the light of your love oh Lord

We pray that you will give strength to all those who bear the brunt of this pandemic.
We give thanks for all in our emergency services, all who work in the NHS and all carers.
May they in their journeys continue to bring hope into the journeys of those in need.
Give clarity of thought and word to all in political life
as they struggle with the consequences of the decisions that are taken.

We pray for the ongoing work of Christian Aid, Mary’s Meals and so many other organisations
we remember that this is a world event and not just us.
Jesus Christ be with all your children throughout the world, and enable us to do what we can
To help others wherever they are.

Today lord we pray for Rev. Martin Fair and his wife and family
As he starts his time as Moderator of the General assembly of the Church of Scotland
May you give him wisdom and vision for the year ahead. Father guide and bless your Church.

To you, Father, Son and Holy Spirit, one god world without end
We offer these and all our prayers,
And together we say as a family:

Our Father in heaven, hallowed be your name,
your kingdom come, your will be done,
on earth as in heaven.
Give us today our daily bread.
Forgive us our sins as we forgive those who sin against us.
Save us from the time of trial and deliver us from evil.
For the kingdom, the power and the glory are yours
now and for ever.



🎶 Love Divine