Welcome to this weeks Virtual Service, brought to you by Rev David Burt.
24th May 2020
🎶 Make Me a Channel of Your Peace
📖 John Chapter 17 Verses 1- 11
📖 Acts Chapter 1 Verses 6-14
📺 Please Subscribe to our YouTube Channel “OG&A Parish Church”
Lord Jesus Christ In your name we come together today,
In your name we offer our worship and praise.
In your name we are called to prayer and action.
Loving God you sent your Son into your world to show your children real love.
Love that reaches out to family and friends,
Love that we are called to share with those known and unknown,
Love that has its true meaning not just in our words but also our actions.
So in love we pray today:
For our community, those of all ages, in this time of lockdown
For our children and young people
For those who are lonely and isolated
For all who are worried and unsure
For those who are ill, at home or in hospital.
For the dying and the bereaved
We pray in love today
For all in care homes, the carers and residents
For those in the frontline facing this virus,
For all in the NHS and all the emergency services
For our armed forces.
For all making the difficult political decisions.
We pray in love today
For the hungry and the homeless
For the dispossessed and refugees
For those living in fear of war and violence
For all who are persecuted for their beliefs, sexual orientation or colour
We pray in love today
For family and friends
For all who we are missing social contact with
For ourselves
Loving God may we strengthen our prayers with our actions
Sharing love one with another
Sharing what we have
Sharing our time
Lord may we share prayer and real care
That your kingdom may come.
To you, Father, Son and Holy Spirit, one God world without end
We offer these and all our prayers,
And together we say as a family:
Our Father in heaven, hallowed be your name,
your kingdom come, your will be done,
on earth as in heaven.
Give us today our daily bread.
Forgive us our sins as we forgive those who sin against us.
Save us from the time of trial and deliver us from evil.
For the kingdom, the power and the glory are yours
now and for ever.
🎶 Seek Ye First