31st May 2020

Welcome to this weeks Virtual Service, brought to you by Rev David Burt.

31st May 2020



🎶 Come Holy Ghost, Our Souls Inspire



📖 Acts Chapter 2 Verses 1 – 21




Holy Spirit in wind and flame you came to the disciples.
In that moment they became your living church.
Through the power of your Spirit O God you guided them
Through the power of your Spirit O God you gave them vision.
Through the power of your Holy Spirit O God you strengthened them.

Together they had watched Christ Die
Together they had mourned.
Together they heard and experienced the resurrected, Living Christ.
Together they were promised the power of the living Spirit.
Together they waited, afraid, uncertain and unsure.
Then you found them lord and blessed them with the Spirit.

Holy God on this day of Pentecost may you find us in our uncertainty.
Holy God on this day of Pentecost may you find us and dispel all our fears.
Holy God on this day of Pentecost may you find us and grant us strength.

O Lord our God, ever three and ever one hear the prayers of your children.

Living God, for the road ahead be our guide and our protector.
Grant us, your living Church, strength in this difficult time.
Open our eyes and our hearts that we may have a vision for the continuing long walk of faith.
Lord Jesus may we know that you walk that road with us.

Today we offer our prayer for all in need.
The sick, the dying, the bereaved and the worried.
The carers and those seeking to help others.
We pray for own congregation and Parishes
We pray for our brothers and sisters in Christ who share the journey with us.
In a moment of silence we bring to you all who we worry and think about today.

Lord you are limitless. To you the impossible becomes possible.
So to your loving care we commend the world with all its problems.
At this time of COVID 19 we remember and commit to your care
All the nations and communities that are struggling,
especially where those in power think more of themselves
than those they are supposed to care for.

We pray today for all people seeking to find peace and justice,
Those in Hong Kong, on the streets of the USA and in all areas of conflict and tension.
Loving Spirit work in the lives of all to bring hope we pray.

Lord bless us and all who we love
May we feel your Spirit in our lives
May we seek to be guided in love
May we be strengthened by hope

To you, Father, Son and Holy Spirit, one God world without end
We offer these and all our prayers,
And together we say as a family:

Our Father in heaven, hallowed be your name,
your kingdom come, your will be done,
on earth as in heaven.
Give us today our daily bread.
Forgive us our sins as we forgive those who sin against us.
Save us from the time of trial and deliver us from evil.
For the kingdom, the power and the glory are yours
now and for ever.


🎶 All Over the World