Welcome to this weeks Virtual Service, brought to you by Rev David Burt.
7th June 2020
🎶 Holy, Holy, Holy, Lord God Almighty
📖 Psalm 8
📖 Matthew Chapter 28 Verses 16 – 20
Lord Jesus Christ as you commissioned your disciples to go into the world
So you commission us your Church to continue that journey.
From age to age your servants have proclaimed your message of hope,
From age to age your Church has sought to live out the Gospel,
from age to age your living body has witnessed your love for all.
Today Lord we worship you,
Lord of creation and all life,
Ever three, Father Son and Holy Spirit
And ever one, God of all time and being.
As the world changes, as we change, the one unchanging constant Is your love.
Love shown in the ongoing act of creation
Love lived in the embodiment and teachings of Jesus Christ
Love shared in the wonder and vision of the Holy Spirit.
In you O God there is no black or white, rich or poor
Young or old, male or female.
You Lord gather us all in as your children
and invite us to share the journey with you.
Today we offer our prayers for healing within our families
Healing within our communities, healing within our nation
And healing for the world.
We pray for all who suffer due to the ongoing onslaught of the Corona virus.
We remember all who have died, all who mourn, all who worry and face uncertainty.
We pray for all the medical staff and carers, all in the emergency services.
We remember before you all who strive to aid us in this difficult time.
The unsung and forgotten heroes.
Lord may your Spirit guide those in political power to do what is right and just
For the sake of all your children and the world.
Lord Jesus, you taught us in scripture to Love one another.
No ifs, no buts….just love one another
May we allow your love to be know through us,
Through our actions and through our words.
Give us vision to reach out to those in need,
To share random acts of kindness.
Lord in the silence hear our prayers
In the journey of life we praise you that we never journey alone.
You Lord are our companion and our guide.
Open our eyes that we may see the way
Open our ears that we may hear your guidance.
Give us strength go into our communities
That you will may be done.
Loving God together we pray now
Sharing the words taught to us by your living Son
Our Saviour Jesus Christ.
We say as one.
Our Father in heaven, hallowed be your name,
your kingdom come, your will be done, on earth as in heaven.
Give us today our daily bread.
Forgive us our sins as we forgive those who sin against us.
Save us from the time of trial and deliver us from evil.
For the kingdom, the power and the glory are yours,
now and for ever.
🎶 One More Step