16th August 2020

Welcome to this weeks Virtual Service, brought to you by Rev David Burt.

16th August 2020



🎶 Christ is the World in which we Move



📖 Matthew Chapter 15 Verses 10 – 28


📺 Subscribe to our YouTube channel: OG&A Parish Church


Let us pray
Living God,
we come before you today
as your people,
a community of faith,
a family of hope,
a people of love.

We give thanks for your beloved son,
our Saviour, our Guide, and our Protector,
the Good Shepherd to all your beloved children,
wherever we are, whomever we are, whatever we are,
we are yours and you are ours.

We give thanks that your constant and unending love
knows no boarders,
no ethnicity,
no gender or sexuality,
but is poured out freely upon each one of us,
today and in perpetuity.
In a time of uncertainty and fear,
we ask that this love continues to sustain us
through whatever trials we face.

As we seek to follow you in this ever-changing world
we ask for the wisdom to see your light
shining in every person we meet.
Let your example of care and compassion for all people
be our guiding force.

In the many times that we fail to follow in your footsteps,
we ask, not only for forgiveness,
but for boldness and surety in our ability to carry on,
to return to your path.
No matter how many times we may falter
we pray that we will always know that you stand with us.

God of all,
merciful and loving,
we come before you,
in faith, hope, and love,
today and every day,
Thought: There will be a time of thought posted on Facebook/website/Youtube* on Sunday morning
Prayers for Others
Generous God,
we pray for your blessing on this community,
as we seek to find you in the midst of fear and trouble,
as we search for hope in times of darkness,
shine your light into the lives of each one of us,
that we may know your love is with us always.

We pray for your whole church,
a people attempting to live in your example
and spread your message throughout the world,
we recognise the difficulties,
in this time more than any other
that face those bearing witness to you,
but we ask that all Christians will have strength in your love,
to continue and to flourish.

We pray for the marginal,
those on the edges of our society,
living in fear or hurt,
attempting to overcome great pain,
without the comfort and security
many of us take for granted.
We pray that we, your people,
will give everything to help them
and that they will find support in you.

We pray for our global community,
As the world seems ever smaller,
Where one country is not immune
from the troubles of another,
we ask that leaders and citizens
will follow your example
of peace, love, and forgiveness,
and work towards a better world
for all peoples.

We pray that each one of us
will show your love to the world
welcoming friend and stranger alike,
bringing your kingdom ever closer,

Hear us now as a family we pray:

Our Father in heaven, hallowed be your name,
your kingdom come, your will be done, on earth as in heaven.
Give us today our daily bread.
Forgive us our sins as we forgive those who sin against us.
Save us from the time of trial and deliver us from evil.
For the kingdom, the power and the glory are yours,
now and for ever.


🎶 Let us Build a House