Welcome to this weeks Virtual Service, brought to you by Rev David Burt.
23rd August 2020
🎶 Tell out my soul
📖 Exodus chapter 2 Vs 1 – 10
📖 Matthew Chapter 16 Verse 13 – 20
📺 Subscribe to our YouTube channel: OG&A Parish Church
Let us pray
Creator God,
we gather today
in hope and expectation,
we come to you as we are,
overwhelmed by your actions,
and in awe of your mercy.
Our needs are filled in your love,
and we lay at your feet our whole being,
everything we are and everything we have.
We gather in this place
and all over the world,
to declare Christ the Messiah,
our Saviour, our Guide,
our Way, our Life, our Truth.
Though our walls may crumble,
we remember that we, your church,
are built on a solid foundation of rock,
and through your love we will never fall.
We gather, enveloped by your Holy Spirit,
drawn close to you and to each other,
in praise and thanksgiving,
spurred into action by your life-giving presence,
emboldened to love our neighbours as ourselves,
and to preach your holy Word to the world.
We gather as one body
of broken bones,
seeking to do your work,
praying for forgiveness when we fail
to do what we can to live as you have told us,
asking for support when we falter
from the path of love for all.
We ask for boldness to live in your example,
to eschew the trappings of this world,
to give ourselves wholly to your mission,
and work tirelessly to praise you and love your people.
Ever loving God,
we come before you
in awe at your majesty
in wonder at your works
praising your holy name,
this day and every day.
Thought: There will be a time of thought posted on Facebook/website/Youtube* on Sunday morning
Prayers for Others
God of the sea, land, air, and space,
we pray for your continuing blessing
on our troubled planet.
Just as Peter saw Jesus for who he is,
we can see our world for what it is,
your glorious creation, the gift of life,
through knowing you,
we ask for the boldness to do everything
we possibly can to renew and rebuild our planet,
to protect it for all who come after us.
As one body in Christ
the eternal community of your church,
we pray for guidance and support
as we continue
to bear witness to you,
in a world where indifference
far outweighs passion,
we ask for ingenuity, confidence, and hopefulness,
in order to bring your message to
our communities and our world.
Living God,
we pray for ourselves,
for this community of your beloved children,
that we may continue to be the lamp stand that
allows your light to shine into the world.
That we will use all the gifts you have given us
to proclaim your message of love,
to live the way you have told us,
and never shy away from the difficulties that
come with being a Christian in a time of
individualism, fear, and persecution,
help this community of the faithful
to remain true to your teaching and bring the light of
Christ to each person we meet.
As the summer ends,
we pray for all your children, young and old.
For those returning to school after the longest break,
for those without work,
for those with too much,
for those who make sure we have food on our tables,
and for those who labour tirelessly
to keep us safe and healthy,
we ask for your love and support,
that whatever this new season will bring,
they will find peace and surety in you.
God of all,
We pray for your blessing
on all that we are,
and all that we do,
that we may help build your kingdom
today and every day.
Hear us now as a family we pray:
Our Father in heaven, hallowed be your name,
your kingdom come, your will be done, on earth as in heaven.
Give us today our daily bread.
Forgive us our sins as we forgive those who sin against us.
Save us from the time of trial and deliver us from evil.
For the kingdom, the power and the glory are yours,
now and for ever.
🎶 Make way, make way