Welcome to this weeks Virtual Service, brought to you by Rev David Burt.
27th September 2020
🎶 All hail the power of Jesus’ name
📖 Exodus Chapter 17 Vs 1 – 17
📖 Matthew Chapter 21 Verse 23 – 32
📺 Subscribe to our YouTube channel: OG&A Parish Church
By whose authority?
Who gave you authority?
Is authority to be found in a uniform,
in a title,
in being set-aside for a particular role,
in a badge?
Is authority a gift
or is it earned?
Is authority of human origin?
We know it when we see it,
or do we?
What of the countless millions led astray
by leaders given authority
only to abuse and lie and cheat?
Is it an inner quality
or revealed by outward actions?
How can we tell the difference?
Is authority of divine origin?
Revealed only to those with eyes to see it
and ears to hear?
What of the false prophets claiming
divine authority?
Is authority only accompanied by cherubic choruses
and blazing bushes?
How can we tell what is real?
What about John?
What about Jesus?
What about us?
Or are we asking the wrong questions entirely?
Authority is what we make it
by our response to the divine within the human,
our response of love amongst the hateful,
our response of compassion amongst the needful,
our response to Jesus’ leading.
🎶 For my sake and the gospel’s go